Cerec - One Visit Crowns

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What is CEREC?

CEREC (Chairside Economical Restoration of Esthetic Ceramics or CEramic REConstruction) is an innovative dental technology that makes full teeth restorations possible in a single visit. Using three dimensional photography and CAD/CAM software to produce indirect porcelain restorations, CEREC does away with multiple visits often associated with the installation of crowns, inlays, onlays, and veneers. Compared with earlier techniques, CEREC makes treatment easier and much more convenient.

Single-Visit Dental Appointments

Most restorative cosmetic dentist procedures require multiple visits to the dentist to complete treatment. The first session normally involves the injection of anesthetics, tooth preparation and impressions, and the installation of temporary restorations. You then have to schedule another appointment a few weeks later for the installation of your permanent restoration. Save time with CEREC one-visit crowns, inlays, onlays, or veneers. Here at WH Family Dental, we help our patients restore the natural strength, beauty, and functionality of their teeth in just one visit!

Use of the Finest Dental Materials

The materials used for CEREC match the composition of natural teeth, allowing for almost natural functionality in every aspect. For example, restorations expand and contract just like your teeth when you consume hot or cold food and drink items. The materials chemically bond to your tooth, allowing us to save as much healthy structure as possible. At the same time, the dental restoration helps to strengthen your tooth, preventing further damage.

First-Rate Technology

The process begins with photography and the creation of a three-dimensional digital model of the cavity. When these two elements are ready, we use the CEREC software and biogeneric comparisons of neighboring teeth to approximate and generate the restoration’s shape. Once the design phase is complete, we wirelessly send the information to the milling unit that produces the restoration from a solid block of porcelain ceramic. The finished product is the restoration we bond to your tooth using resin cement.